Release 4.5: Streamlining preemptive threat intelligence

In the last release, we introduced Total View – a one stop shop for domain and IPv4 intelligence, without the need to access multiple menus at once. The new Release 4.5 offers additional updates that streamline workflow efficiency within the platform.
Enhanced Account Visibility
On one pane, users can view information about their usage, subscription details and other account information.

Knowledge Base Updates
Read up on the latest platform tips, guides on 2FA/SSO and expanded information to help navigate the platform.

Save time with Enterprise
Enterprise users can now automatically download 10,000 (previously 1000) Indicators of Future Attack from the Threat Ranking page, significantly reducing the number of endpoint calls needed!

Get in touch
Have any questions about the new release, or would like to learn more about our Community and Enterprise Editions? Get in touch today and we’ll get back to you shortly.