Evaluating Threat Intelligence Feeds
Your security team likely uses many threat intelligence feeds to detect and block threats on your network. But which of these are the best? And what does ‘best’ even mean in this case?
Silent Push helps you answer these questions.
In this blog post, we use a number of open source feeds to show two indicators of feeds that we use to determine the quality of feeds: originator percentage and overlap percentage. Contact us directly if you are interested in having your paid feeds evaluated for their quality — and possibly saving you quite a bit of money.

- Originator %
In the first chart, we look at the originator percentage: the percentage of data in each feed for which it was the first to report it. Many indicators are only active for a short period of time, so the earlier they are included in a feed, the better.
Originator and Overlap

In the second chart, we have added the overlap percentage: what percentage of the data in a feed also appears in other feeds. Low overlap makes a feed very valuable, as it provides data no other feed provides, but the reverse isn’t automatically true: a feed may have a high overlap score, but still be very valuable because it is often the first to report observables. This is why we weigh the originator score more heavily than the overlap score.
If you have open source feeds you want us to add to the report please contact us. We will expand on this report each month.
If you want to evaluate your intelligence feeds please contact us to set up a trial. You can ingest your feed to the platform and receive statistics for the contents quickly with many more factors included than what is listed above.
List Of Open Source Feeds and Vendors
Name Vendor
UrlHaus Abuse.ch
OpenPhish OpenPhish
Malicious Domain Blacklist Rescure
Bot Scout Bot Scout
Tweetfeed URL Daniel López
Tweetfeed Daniel López
AlienVault Domain AlienVault
FeodoTracker Abuse.ch
ThreatFox recent domains Abuse.ch
Rutgers Rutgers
MalSilo Domain MalSilo
MiraiIp MiraiTracker
MalSilo IP MalSilo
Maltrail Maltrail
AlienVault IP AlienVault
Green Snow Green Snow
ThreatFox recent urls Abuse.ch
CyberCure IP CyberCure
Threat Fox recent IP Abuse.ch
Phishing Feed- New Today mitchell krogza
Emerging Threat IP Emerging Threat
BlockListIP blocklist.de
Malicious IP Blacklist Rescure
log4j-scanning Ips Greynoise
VX Vault VX Vault
List of Links To Feeds
Name url
UrlHaus url:”https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/downloads/csv_recent/”
OpenPhish url:”https://openphish.com/feed.txt”
Malicious Domain Blacklist url:”https://rescure.fruxlabs.com/rescure_domain_blacklist.txt”
Bot Scout url:”https://botscout.com/last_caught_cache.txt”
Tweetfeed URL url:”https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xDanielLopez/TweetFeed/master/today.csv”
BBCAN url:”https://gist.githubusercontent.com/BBcan177/4a8bf37c131be4803cb2/raw”
CINS Army List IP url:”https://cinsscore.com/list/ci-badguys.txt”
Tweetfeed url:”https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xDanielLopez/TweetFeed/master/today.csv”
AlienVault Domain url:”https://otx.alienvault.com/api/v1/indicators/export?types=domain”
FeodoTracker url:”https://feodotracker.abuse.ch/downloads/ipblocklist.csv”
ThreatFox recent domains url:null
Rutgers url:”https://report.cs.rutgers.edu/DROP/attackers”
MalSilo Domain url:”https://malsilo.gitlab.io/feeds/dumps/domain_list.txt”
MiraiIp url:”https://mirai.security.gives/data/ip_list.txt”
MalSilo IP url:”https://malsilo.gitlab.io/feeds/dumps/ip_list.txt”
Maltrail url:”https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/aux/master/maltrail-malware-domains.txt”
AlienVault IP url:”https://otx.alienvault.com/api/v1/indicators/export?types=IP”
Green Snow url:”https://blocklist.greensnow.co/greensnow.txt”
ThreatFox official recent urls url:”https://threatfox.abuse.ch/export/csv/urls/recent/”
CyberCure IP url:”http://api.cybercure.ai/feed/get_ips”
Threat Fox recent IP url:”https://threatfox.abuse.ch/export/csv/ip-port/recent/”
Phishing Feed- New Today url:”https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellkrogza/Phishing.Database/master/phishing-links-NEW-today.txt”
Emerging Threat IP url:”https://rules.emergingthreats.net/blockrules/compromised-ips.txt”
BlockListIP url:”http://api.blocklist.de/getlast.php”
Malicious IP Blacklist url:”https://rescure.me/rescure_blacklist.txt”
log4j-scanning Ips url:”https://gist.githubusercontent.com/gnremy/c546c7911d5f876f263309d7161a7217/raw/eac647ffb2e2cc1193be7e8b2f9cf96080278a04/CVE-2021-44228_IPs.csv”
VX Vault url:”http://vxvault.net/URL_List.php”